We engage with the early learning ecosystem of their region. We center early STEM and the ways STEM intersects with other disciplinary domains (e.g. social and emotional learning, language and literacy learning). We play a leading role where appropriate, and work with partners to create durable systems changes resulting in immediate and longer-term impacts for children via the adult caregivers and educators in their lives.

Storytime STEM
2020’s newest partnership brings the Storytime STEM program, which connects children’s literature with STEM and computer science, to our region’s elementary schools. Teacher training provided by WSSN enabled educators without formal STEM training to facilitate STEM activities for young children. Anchored by a popular storybook, young learners engage in themed science, mathematics, and engineering design activities or computer science Bee-Bot adventures. Through a grant from Washington STEM, Storytime STEM kits were provided along with training to all participants. During the workshops, teachers engaged in Storytime STEM, integrated math and science with language arts, networked with participants and explored virtual strategies to share Storytime STEM with their students. Read more...
Zeno Math Partnership
WSSN supported OESD 114 in their partnership with Zeno Math. Zeno Math’s 5 Practices: Explore, Play, Talk, Build, and Connect, are designed to leverage the role of family relationships and social emotional learning in the development of math skills.