W. Joe Allen
Executive Director, Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe Economic Development Authority

Dr. Suzy Ames
Peninsula College

Robert W. Andrade, Jr.
Overcast Innovations, McKinstry
Secondary Leadership Team point of contact

Corinne Beach
STEM Coordinator, Puget Sound Naval Shipyard & IMF

Patricia Beathard
Superintendent, Brinnon School District

Dr. Marty Cavalluzzi
President, Olympic College

Lucy Dafoe
Pauquachin First Nation

Karen Dove
Executive Director, ANEW

Bill Dowling
Olympic Workforce Development Director

Perry England
Vice President, MacDonald-Miller Facility Solutions

Sam Goodwill
Senior Safety PilotFlight Technical and Safety Air Crew OperationsBoeing Test and Evaluation
Sara Hatfield
Director, Great NW Consortium of CTE Directors

Dr. Deb Kelley
Professor, School of Oceanography
University of Washington

Dr. Gregory King
Executive Director, Washington MESA

Dr. Tamara Meredith
Jefferson County Library District

Joe Morrison
Executive Director, KEDA

Jiquanda Nelson
CEO, Diversity Window

Dr. Erin Prince
Superintendent, Central Kitsap School District
Frank Rimkus
Galaxy Theatres

Dr. Sabah Randhawa
President, Western Washington University

Robert W. Andrade, Jr.
Overcast Innovations, McKinstry
Secondary Leadership Team point of contact

Dr. Kareen Borders
Executive Director,
West Sound STEM Network

Dr. Aaron Leavell
Superintendent, Olympic Educational Service District
Board Ex-Officio

Tim Winter
South Kitsap School District
Leader of WSSN backbone agency