Need to Help Your Child Pick A Career?
Workforce Information
Career Connect Washington, Washington Workforce Data, Programs
Career Exploration & Analysis
Occupational Analysis Tools, US BLS
O*net Career Exploration & Analysis
Washington Career Bridge, Career Exploration & Local Training
Career Connect Washington Career Search Directory
Career Connect Washington report to the legislature
Controls Programmer Apprenticeship Overview
NASA Science Career Path Navigator
Financial Aid
Washboard, Scholarship Database
Workforce Education Funding for Adults
Worker Retraining, WorkFirst, BFET
STEM Programs & Resources
Next Generation Science Standards
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Marine & Coastal Research Lab

Expanding Financial Aid Completion for Washington Students

Financial aid application completion is an indicator of being on-track to obtaining a postsecondary credential and having access to a family-wage job. Not all youth have systemic support for financial aid completion. Despite some of the best financial aid programs in all 50 states, Washington historically has some of the lowest completion rates.
The opportunity for all youth to have access to a bright future means systemic support for financial aid completion via the three ways a student can apply for financial aid: FAFSA, WASFA, or the apprenticeship financial aid application.
West Sound STEM Network provides targeted support to students and families to increase completion rates. We leverage community-based partnerships to increase financial aid filing assistance and further develop a college-going culture in communities furthest from opportunity. Additionally, we host informational sessions for students and families, train trusted community partners as Financial Aid Navigators, and engage in outreach.