West Sound STEM offers a diverse array of events for professional learning. Developed and delivered by members and partners in leadership and technical roles, representing myriad STEM industries, these events are designed to highlight individual professions and fields of study leading to high-demand, high-tech, family-wage jobs. These events include our STEM Cafés, workshops and lectures, externships, professional learning cohorts, data deep dives, roundtable discussions, and more.
Teachers can choose to enroll in long-term learning—expanding and deepening their knowledge base in a particular area, one-time events providing exposure to new disciplines and career pathways, or related, ongoing events exploring various aspects of an industry or field of study. Each event provides teachers with resources, knowledge and engaging activities they can take back to their classrooms to share new career pathways and professions with their students.
Upcoming opportunities are disseminated through member school district’s STEM Implementation Team members. If you are an educator outside the West Sound STEM Network region, contact Dr. Kareen Borders at for more information.