Vision: All students in the region will have the STEM competencies and opportunities to thrive in a vibrant, innovative and swiftly changing economy through public-private partnerships between education and industry.
Goal: All students in West Sound STEM districts will experience at least one Career Related Learning Experience (e.g. Career Fair, STEM Nights, Job Shadow, Networking, Guest Speaker) per year to spark interest, awareness and preparation in STEM careers.
Goal: Youth from cradle to career in the West Sound STEM region will have multiple career awareness and exploration experiences in STEM sectors (e.g. computer science, engineering, biotech, aerospace, maritime, construction, healthcare) and educators will be provided related professional development opportunities that are relevant, integrated, and engaging.
Goal: High school students will have the opportunity to participate in career preparation and/or enroll in at least one career launch program and partners will be supported and encouraged to obtain career launch endorsement.

“I can think of no more important work going on at this very moment than ensuring our youth have paths to meaningful, sustainable careers that guarantee lifelong earning power. West Sound STEM Network is leading this work.”
— Robert W. Andrade, Jr., General Manager, Johnson Controls, Inc. & West Sound STEM Executive Board Member